(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Consumer Highlight: Brittany Glass

Hello, my name is Brittany Glass.

I work at the Ability Counts facility in Redlands. I like my job working at the Redlands facility. I like the people and the environment. I have twin girls, Alexis and Alaycia. They’ll be eleven in June.

I like to take them out to Chuck-E-Cheese, theme parks, and help them with their school projects. I like to work as hard as possible to provide for my kids.

I like to spend my free time watching movies or spending time playing with my kids. I like
mystery movies, sometimes action, depending on what it is. I like to listen to a lot of music, Gospel or Rhythm and Blues. My favorite television show is Love & Hip-hop, sometimes Rap. I like to go out and get my nails done, and I love to shop at Ontario Mills. I like to go out to eat with my boyfriend. My favorite restaurants are BJ’s Brewhouse and The Cheesecake Factory. I love Italian and Mexican food. I have 8 siblings and I’m really close with my twin sister Brijon.

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