(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Beating the Odds

Cornelius Jordan survived a Jaywalking accident.

On the morning of January 10, 2018 at 6am, Cornelius was running late to catch his RTA bus to his work program. He ran across Arlington Avenue.

While running across the street, he didn’t notice the truck going 40 mph towards him. The truck hit him. Cornelius sustained injuries to his left leg, ankle, and right arm.

Surgery, physical therapy, hard work, and the love of his family will give him the ability to walk again. He will be in recovery for a long time.

Our director, Mo Gaji, created a huge gift basket with lots of goodies and books in it and cards that many signed. Cornelius’ Case Manager, Guy Mersereau, came for a visit and delivered this care package. As Guy entered the facility, he noticed Cornelius playing cards at the receptionist desk. Guy said, “It was nice to see Cornelius’ smiling face again”.

If anyone wishes to visit him, please see Case Manager Guy at the Riverside building.

Our hope for him is a speedy recovery.

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