(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Elizabeth Madrigal, Moving Forward!

Elizabeth Madrigal

Elizabeth Madrigal is doing an outstanding job in the Corona Snack Store.  She’s shown growth and maturity in the service she provides, always taking initiative; and in accepting the responsibilities of her position. She’s always cheerful and pleasant and willing to assist wherever needed.

Elizabeth recently expressed the desire to continue moving forward and train at Ancho’s Southwest Grill & Bar to further develop her skills. She is awesome and we want to congratulate her on her success!

Redlands Consumer Shout-Out!

On September 27th three of our consumers from Redlands received awards today from staff member Wade Lanier.

Mary Briggs received an Award for her Positive Improvement in Filing, Phone Eloquence, Typing Documents, Data Entry, Communicating with Others and Self Confidence.

Herschel Trammel also received an award for his Impeccable Workmanship. He excels in the Redlands janitorial department in the areas of: Spotless Restrooms, Taking Inventory, and Assisting Others, Managing the Snack Store, Taking Initiative and a Pleasant Attitude.

And finally Christopher Reynoso also received an award for his Positive Achievement, he is also in the Redlands janitorial department. He excelled in the following areas: Cleaning the Restrooms, Warehouse Floor, Taking Initiative, Positive Attitude, and Assisting Others as well as Communication.

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