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Consumer Highlights: Shirley Dupra

Shirley Dupra

Hello, my name is Shirley Dupra.

I work at Tortilla Grille.

On my free time, I like to go to Disneyland, Raging Waters. I’m married to John Dupra
and our anniversary is July 19. We’ve been married for 32 years. We like to go to Uni-
versal Studios and Vegas, and Morongo together. We go everywhere, any casino we can

My favorite machines to play are the dollar, penny, and nickel machines. I also like to play cards.
We love to go to the movies too. We saw the new Lion King movie for our anniversary.
Next week, we’re going to the beach in San Diego. We don’t stay at home too long. We like to do a lot of stuff and keep ourselves busy.

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