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Consumer Highlights: Shirley Dupra

Shirley Dupra

Hello, my name is Shirley Dupra.

I work at Tortilla Grille.

On my free time, I like to go to Disneyland, Raging Waters. I’m married to John Dupra
and our anniversary is July 19. We’ve been married for 32 years. We like to go to Uni-
versal Studios and Vegas, and Morongo together. We go everywhere, any casino we can

My favorite machines to play are the dollar, penny, and nickel machines. I also like to play cards.
We love to go to the movies too. We saw the new Lion King movie for our anniversary.
Next week, we’re going to the beach in San Diego. We don’t stay at home too long. We like to do a lot of stuff and keep ourselves busy.

Summer Time

Towards the end of July 2018 my parents and I went to San Clemente on the beach train. It’s a train that runs every summer and goes all the way to Oceanside, making several stops to places like Corona, San Juan Capistrano, and Laguna Niguel.

We got on the 9:20am train, and we arrived at San Clemente at 11:13am. After we arrived at the San Clemente Pier, my parents and I found our spot down a little ways on the beach next to both the snack bar and the bathroom.

We then laid out our towels and relaxed for about an hour while having lunch. I actually bought my lunch at the snack bar because their snack bar has a really good grilled cheese that I like, while my Parents ate the sandwiches that my Mom had made for them.

Soon after eating lunch, my Mom and I went for about a walk along the beach away from the pier. It’s something my Mom and I do every year since we started taking the beach train. Once we had finished our walk, my parents and I packed up all our stuff on the beach and decided to go for a walk on the pier to see what was going on there.

Turns out the day we went, San Clemente was having their yearly summer festival so we actually went to San Clemente on a good day. They also had some really old fashion vintage cars. That was the part about the trip that my parents liked, since the cars were from their generation, me not so much. I’m not really an old generations girl.

Finally around 3:11pm my parents had gone to get drinks, while I had a chocolate brownie sundae. Then we got back on the train and went back home. I had an amazing day at the San Clemente Pier and I can’t wait to go again.

Until next time!

This is Brittany Yeager, signing off.

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