(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Spotlight On: Julian Bonseigneur

Julian Bonseigneur

Julian Bonseigneur

ACI: How long have you been with Ability Counts?
Julian Bonseigneur : Since 2006. I wasn’t necessarily interested in this field of work before that.

ACI: What got you interested in this field of work?
Julian Bonseigneur: Kind of grew to like it, helping others learn different skills, and being a job coach.

ACI: What’s it like working with people that have disabilities?
Julian Bonseigneur: The years I spent working with people with disabilities as a job coach was awesome! Seeing them grow, using the abilities they have counted towards the job they perform and seeing them complete a task on their own with little prompting was a great accomplishment.

ACI: What are your hobbies and things to do outside of work?
Julian Bonseigneur: Things I do after work? I’m not married with kids, so I spend my time mountain climbing, cycling, hiking, riding motorcycles and dirt bikes, then spending time with my niece, and tinkering in my garage. Winter is going to be here soon, so I’ll probably be snowboarding everyday after work. I also spend some short hours at church or reading the bible and talking with friends. Helping others where I can, I’m always just a phone call away.

Spotlight On: Debra Romero

Debbie Romero

Debbie Romero, Job Coach

ACI: How long have you been with Ability Counts?
Debra Romero: Since June of 1997. That’s eighteen years and four months.

ACI: What got you interested in this field of work?
Debra Romero: I had a daughter with down syndrome.

ACI: What’s it like working with people that have disabilities?
Debra Romero: To me it’s a blessing, because working with this population is like being close to my daughter.

ACI: What are your hobbies and things to do outside of work?
Debra Romero: Walking and swimming.

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