(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Consumer Highlight: Jillian Darwin

Hi my name is Jillian Darwin. I’ve been employed by Ability Counts since 2012. My favorite thing to do is scrapbooking, watch movies, shopping, and cooking.

My scrap-booking is very, very good. I scrapbook pictures of vacations, pictures of family. When you scrapbook, you take a sheet of paper, you get glue or glue dots and you put it on the back of the photo you want to use. Then you stick it onto the paper and you decorate them with stickers, glitter, and markers. It’s very simple.
I like to make them with my friends.

I’ve been out to Texas, and in the past, when I was five, I went to Hawaii. My sister goes to Cal State San Bernardino. She’s going to graduate, hopefully. I have a brother too. He lives in Redlands and goes to University of Redlands. He wants to be an accountant. My mom works at a dance store all the way in Fountain Valley.

I like to go to the movies with Chad and I’ve seen Winnie the Pooh, all the Star Wars movies up to Episode VII; I’ve seen the Marvel movies. There’s a whole lot, too many to name.

I also like to watch baseball, and my favorite team is the Dodgers. I haven’t been to the Dodger Stadium
yet though.

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