(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Main St. Bus Duty Shout Out!

Thank you Main St. Bus Duty Staff:

As the Main St. Bus Duty Manager, I wish to thank and acknowledge the following staff that perform the Main St. Bus Duty each day. It takes a community of caring individuals to step out in front of traffic to make way and give safe passage to our Door to Door clients.

I wish to acknowledge: Marlene Trejos, Blake Shimshock, Florizel Leon, Maricela Torres, Samantha Ramos, Letricia Wyatt, Angela Aragon, Jaimie Bonseigneur, Amika Luebrun, Brenda Corro, Wes Mamea and Leonor Rivera for their dedication and care.

These individuals, besides risking personal safety, strive to teach drivers proper ACI driving patterns, coming and going from three different directions. They get to deal with grumpy drivers.

Drivers that do not want to be told what to do and they physically care for clients that require their help to get to and from buses and cars. Some City Door to Door bus services said it could not be done, and you stepped up and showed them what we are made of. This is all in the name of SAFETY.
To these individuals: I thank you for the high quality you put into caring for our clients while you complete this daily task.

Best Regards,
Guy M. Mersereau
Case Responsible Person
Landscape Division
Ability Counts, Inc.

Spotlight On: Maricela Torres

ACI: How long have you been with Ability Counts?
Maricela Torres: I have been working for Ability Counts now for about 10 months.

ACI: What got you interested in this field of work?
Maricela Torres: I got an interest in ACI, because I really enjoy working with people and helping them in whichever matter needed. For years I would come across clients with different challenges and disabilities and I can always say that they were very caring, determined, hard working, individuals.

ACI: What’s it like working with people that have disabilities?
Maricela Torres: I enjoy coming to work everyday just knowing how happy they
all are to see me and I am to see them as well. I enjoy helping them in any work related situation they come across. I try to give them positive feedback daily on how hard working they are and what a wonderful job they do.

ACI: What are your hobbies and things to do outside of work?
Maricela Torres: I enjoy spending time with family and friends during functions were I get to see the family together and just enjoy the blessings God has given us. I also like listening to music and I love to go dancing.

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