(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Spotlight: Alma Reyna

Hi, my name is Alma Reyna. I’ve been working for Ability Counts since August 2010. I work out of the Corona facility and have been with Open Door Packaging in Chino since May 2011. Oh, and I can’t forget to tell you that I have a part time job since 2015. Ok, enough with the work stuff.

Let me tell you a little something about my life and what I enjoy doing in my spare time. I have an amazing boyfriend (Luis) and have 3 beautiful daughters Briana –16, Iiana –13, Jayleen –12! (I know all girls yikes!). Oh and a pitbull named Bruno; can’t forget my dog haha…

I love spending time with my family, going out and riding our go-cart. We also go to Laughlin every year. We love taking our boat on the river during the summer time. We just enjoy doing a lot of outdoor activities.

I love my Philadelphia Eagles woot woot! I also love any type of movies, music, I love to dance and sing to anything! Oh, and I also love some Modelos (beer) and some good Tequila yumm! I can’t complain about my life. I gotta say, I sure do live it to the fullest!

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