(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Spotlight on Ernst Guillaume

Lamentably, I am leaving my second home. Yes, I mean it! Ability Counts, Inc. has been my second home for 5 years. I remember when I met with Claudette on my first day (June 24, 2013) and she introduced me to Veronica Zepeda and the rest of the team (Debbie, Sandra, and Tiana).

That day was a triple culture shock for me: new to America, new to American workforce, and, most importantly, new to people with developmental disabilities.

However, three months later, I fell in love with the population and the rest of the team! I am saying this genuinely, this population changed my life. They taught me that life is not just about driving a nice car, living in a luxury home, or earning a fat paycheck, but to do something that is greater than who I am. For that, I am so grateful!

I learned so much from almost everyone, knowledge and skills that shaped professional careers that I will take with me everywhere I go. I will always be grateful to people like Claudette, Victor Sr., Leticia Gutierrez, Mo Gaji, and Ability Counts, Inc. as a whole.

It also was a privilege for me to work with the SEP Case Managers and employees such as Tiana, Lorrie, Sarah, Brenda, Judith, Diane, Blake, Julian, Gema, etc. Also, it was my honor to directly team up with the WAP coaches: Veronica, Rosie, Karina, Ingrid, Yvette, Wade, Yolanda, and Maricela to serve more than 200 hardworking people with developmental disabilities.

All of you are very valuable to Ability Counts, Inc. I hope you continue knowing how much of an influence you have on these people’s lives and how valuable you are to the success of the company.

-Ernst Guillaume

Community Recognition

Way to go Amika and Crew!

One of ACI’s many jobs in the community is collecting recycled cardboard from Riverside City Hall. Job Coach, Amika Luebrun and her crew go to all seven floors and rotate the full bins with empty bins.

City Hall staff has reported that Amika’s crew is very hardworking and respectful towards others. They never leave a mess, and they’re always in a good mood.

Spotlight On: Letty Guiterrez

ACI: How long have you been with Ability Counts?
Leticia Gutierrez: I’ve worked at Ability Counts for 12 years.

ACI: What got you interested in this field of work?
Leticia Gutierrez: I have a cousin and a baby brother with a developmental disability. They’ve inspired me to do more ..to spread the love.

ACI: What’s it like working with people that have disabilities?
Leticia Gutierrez: I love it! They are the most amazing people ever. They are hard working, loyal, respectful, reliable and lovable people. More than I can say about most “Normal” people. My consumers give me strength to keep throwing punches. 🙂

ACI: What are your hobbies and things to do outside of work?
Leticia Gutierrez: I LOVE to shop ..for myself, my family and my friends. I’m open for anything really. I went fishing for the first time a few weeks ago and I did very good. I’m ready for more future adventures.  Life is too short and I have places to go, things to do and people to meet. 🙂

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