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Staff Spotlight: Elizabeth Delgado

Elizabeth Delgado

Hello, my name is Elizabeth Delgado.
On the weekends, I like to spend time with my kids, go out, do different things with them. I like gardening. I like to go out dancing, go to concerts. I’m also studying to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse.

Spotlight On: Amika Luebrun

ACI: How long have you been with Ability Counts?
Amika Luebrun: I’ve been working for Ability Counts for a year through the temp agency, then rolled over and hired through the company for 2 years.

ACI: What got you interested in this field of work?
Amika Luebrun: I have an older brother that has a mental disability, and when I heard about Ability Counts through a family friend, I knew working with adults with disabilities would be a great learning experience for me.

ACI: What’s it like working with people that have disabilities?
Amika Luebrun: It’s been a great learning experience for me and it makes me happy that I get the opportunity to work with and train those with disabilities.

ACI: What are your hobbies and things to do outside of work?
Amika Luebrun: My hobbies and things to do outside of work are taking my son to the park and amusement parks, going dancing, going to the movies and hanging out with family, friends, and loved ones.

Spotlight On: Judith Hernandez

ACI: How long have you been with Ability Counts?
Judith Hernandez: I have been working with Ability Counts for four months.

ACI: What got you interested in this field of work?
Judith Hernandez: I have been around people with disabilities my whole life. My oldest sister is disabled herself, she has a huge heart and she has been a huge reason on why I’m working with people with disabilities.

ACI: What’s it like working with people that have disabilities?
Judith Hernandez: I love working with people with disabilities. They are the sweetest, hard working, humblest people that exist. It’s amazing to feel that you are somebody that makes these people’s days better by any little gesture you have with them. They are a huge reason I love to come to work.

ACI: What are your hobbies and things to do outside of work?
Judith Hernandez: I really enjoy spending time with my family. I enjoy going to the movies, going dancing, and of course to pamper myself here and

Spotlight On: Alma Reyna

ACI: How long have you been with Ability Counts?
Alma Reyna: I started working for Ability Counts on November 2009 but got hired through the company on August 2010 so I would say going on 8 years.

ACI: What got you interested in this field of work?
Alma Reyna: Well my Mothers brother had Epilepsy and I remember as a child I was terrified of him. So when a high school friend mentioned to me about the job I thought it would be nice to work with them since I never had that bond with my uncle, having passed years ago.

ACI: What’s it like working with people that have disabilities?
Alma Reyna: Working with people with disabilities is definitely rewarding and fun. It can get challenging at times but I LOVE IT! Just seeing how kind-hearted and smart they are makes me love my job even more. I’ve learned a lot from them as well.

ACI: What are your hobbies and things to do outside of work?
Alma Reyna: My hobbies are dancing, listening to music, watching movies, cooking, going on family outings, riding our boat and riding our dune buggy. Most importantly spending time with my daughter and family!

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