(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Spotlight On: Lorrie Dowding

ACI: What got you interested in this field of work?
Lorrie Dowding: I was previously working with Area Board XII doing LQA (Life Quality Assurance ) surveys and ended up having to directly meet with a client at Ability Counts, Inc. I had met with Claudette Phelps who impressed me on how she was working and training the clients on the work floor. She had told me that I should apply as a job coach and gave me an application. From their it has been such a pleasure to work with our clients and to see the progress that each of them have made in the jobs.

ACI: What’s it like working with people that have disabilities?
Lorrie Dowding: When I worked as a job coach, it was a blessing to work with clients. They demonstrate good work ethics, had excellent attendance and when they learned a new skill, I was very proud to have been apart of their success. It was very easy working with the clients, I had such a wonderful group and became very close to them, they show unconditional love.

ACI: What are your hobbies and things to do outside of work?
Lorrie Dowding: I enjoy the company of my family, having my grand-kids sleep over and bake and make crafts, scrap booking with my sister and going to Ladies Home Fellowship on Thursday nights with my dear friends. Enjoy reading the bible and planting flowers and yard work when the weather is nice.

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