(951) 734-6595 info@abilitycounts.org

Restaurant Donations

The Media Crew and Job Coach Amika Luebrun and her crew are responsible for picking up donations from restaurants throughout the Inland Empire.  Here are a few from when we remember to take a photo.

A BIG THANK YOU to Bob’s Big Boy, Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt and Texas Roadhouse for your thoughtful donations!

Main St. Bus Duty Shout Out!

Thank you Main St. Bus Duty Staff:

As the Main St. Bus Duty Manager, I wish to thank and acknowledge the following staff that perform the Main St. Bus Duty each day. It takes a community of caring individuals to step out in front of traffic to make way and give safe passage to our Door to Door clients.

I wish to acknowledge: Marlene Trejos, Blake Shimshock, Florizel Leon, Maricela Torres, Samantha Ramos, Letricia Wyatt, Angela Aragon, Jaimie Bonseigneur, Amika Luebrun, Brenda Corro, Wes Mamea and Leonor Rivera for their dedication and care.

These individuals, besides risking personal safety, strive to teach drivers proper ACI driving patterns, coming and going from three different directions. They get to deal with grumpy drivers.

Drivers that do not want to be told what to do and they physically care for clients that require their help to get to and from buses and cars. Some City Door to Door bus services said it could not be done, and you stepped up and showed them what we are made of. This is all in the name of SAFETY.
To these individuals: I thank you for the high quality you put into caring for our clients while you complete this daily task.

Best Regards,
Guy M. Mersereau
Case Responsible Person
Landscape Division
Ability Counts, Inc.

Keep Riverside Clean & Beautiful

The teams were awarded with a certificate and a gift card from Ramano’s Pizza for their great work keeping our streets clean.

Keep up the good work!

Photo (left to right):
Job Coaches: Amika Luebrun, Leonor Rivera, Consumer Jessica Rodriguez, Job Coach Jaimie Bonseigneur,
Consumers: Lacy Urban, Jeanett Rojas, Michael Wynn, Victoria Wilson, Sammy Murray and Jason Randall.

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